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Build a Vue.js App

Vue.js is a progressive front-end JavaScript framework. It provides tools and features for creating dynamic and interactive user interfaces.

In this tutorial we'll build a simple Vue.js app with Vite and Deno. The app will display a list of dinosaurs. When you click on one, it'll take you to a dinosaur page with more details. You can see the finished app on GitHub.

The Vue.js app in action

Create a Vue.js app with Vite and Deno Jump to heading

We'll use Vite to scaffold a basic Vue.js app. In your terminal, run the following command to create a new .js app with Vite:

deno run -A npm:create-vite

When prompted, give your app a name and select Vue from the offered frameworks and TypeScript as a variant.

Once created, cd into your new project and run the following command to serve your new Vue.js app:

deno task dev

Deno will run the dev task from the package.json file which will start the Vite server. Click the output link to localhost to see your app in the browser.

Add a backend Jump to heading

The next step is to add a backend API. We'll create a very simple API that returns information about dinosaurs.

In the root of your new vite project, create an api folder. In that folder, create a main.ts file, which will run the server, and a data.json, which where we'll put the hard coded data.

Copy and paste this json file into api/data.json.

We're going to build out a simple API server with routes that return dinosaur information. We'll use the oak middleware framework and the cors middleware to enable CORS.

Use the deno add command to add the required dependencies to your project:

deno add @oak/oak @tajpouria/cors

Next, update api/main.ts to import the required modules and create a new Router instance to define some routes:

import { Application, Router } from "@oak/oak";
import { oakCors } from "@tajpouria/cors";
import data from "./data.json" with { type: "json" };

const router = new Router();

After this, in the same file, we'll define three routes. The first route at / will return the string Welcome to the dinosaur API, then we'll set up /dinosaurs to return all the dinosaurs, and finally /dinosaurs/:dinosaur to return a specific dinosaur based on the name in the URL:

  .get("/", (context) => {
    context.response.body = "Welcome to dinosaur API!";
  .get("/dinosaurs", (context) => {
    context.response.body = data;
  .get("/dinosaurs/:dinosaur", (context) => {
    if (!context?.params?.dinosaur) {
      context.response.body = "No dinosaur name provided.";

    const dinosaur = data.find((item) => === context.params.dinosaur.toLowerCase()

    context.response.body = dinosaur ? dinosaur : "No dinosaur found.";

Finally, at the bottom of the same file, create a new Application instance and attach the routes we just defined to the application using app.use(router.routes()) and start the server listening on port 8000:

const app = new Application();

await app.listen({ port: 8000 });

You can run the API server with deno run --allow-env --allow-net api/main.ts. We'll create a task to run this command and update the dev task to run both the Vue.js app and the API server.

In your package.json file, update the scripts field to include the following:

  "scripts": {
    "dev": "deno task dev:api & deno task dev:vite",
    "dev:api": "deno run --allow-env --allow-net api/main.ts",
    "dev:vite": "deno run -A npm:vite",
    // ...

Now, if you run deno task dev and visit localhost:8000, in your browser you should see the text Welcome to dinosaur API!, and if you visit localhost:8000/dinosaurs, you should see a JSON response of all of the dinosaurs.

Build the frontend Jump to heading

The entrypoint and routing Jump to heading

In the src directory, you'll find a main.ts file. This is the entry point for the Vue.js app. Our app will have multiple route, so we'll need a router to do our client-side routing. We'll use the official Vue Router for this.

Update src/main.ts to import and use the router:

import { createApp } from "vue";
import router from "./router/index.ts";

import "./style.css";
import App from "./App.vue";


Add the Vue Router module to the project with deno add:

deno add npm:vue-router

Next, create a router directory in the src directory. In it, create an index.ts file with the following content:

import { createRouter, createWebHistory } from "vue-router";
import HomePage from "../components/HomePage.vue";
import Dinosaur from "../components/Dinosaur.vue";

export default createRouter({
  history: createWebHistory("/"),
  routes: [
      path: "/",
      name: "Home",
      component: HomePage,
      path: "/:dinosaur",
      name: "Dinosaur",
      component: Dinosaur,
      props: true,

This will set up a router with two routes: / and /:dinosaur. The HomePage component will be rendered at / and the Dinosaur component will be rendered at /:dinosaur.

Finally, you can delete all of the code in the src/App.vue file to and update it to include only the <RouterView> component:

  <RouterView />

The components Jump to heading

Vue.js splits the frontend UI into components. Each component is a reusable piece of code. We'll create three components: one for the home page, one for the list of dinosaurs, and one for an individual dinosaur.

Each component file is split into three parts: <script>, <template>, and <style>. The <script> tag contains the JavaScript logic for the component, the <template> tag contains the HTML, and the <style> tag contains the CSS.

In the /src/components directory, create three new files: HomePage.vue, Dinosaurs.vue, and Dinosaur.vue.

The Dinosaurs component Jump to heading

The Dinosaurs component will fetch the list of dinosaurs from the API we set up earlier and render them as links using the RouterLink component from Vue Router. (Because we are making a TypeScript project, don't forget to specify the lang="ts" attribute on the script tag.) Add the following code to the Dinosaurs.vue file:

<script lang="ts">
import { defineComponent } from 'vue';

export default defineComponent({
    async setup() {
        const res = await fetch("http://localhost:8000/dinosaurs")
        const dinosaurs = await res.json() as Dinosaur[];
        return { dinosaurs };

    <div v-for="dinosaur in dinosaurs" :key="">
        <RouterLink :to="{ name: 'Dinosaur', params: { dinosaur: `${}` } }" >
            {{ }}

This code uses the Vue.js v-for directive to iterate over the dinosaurs array and render each dinosaur as a RouterLink component. The :to attribute of the RouterLink component specifies the route to navigate to when the link is clicked, and the :key attribute is used to uniquely identify each dinosaur.

The Homepage component Jump to heading

The homepage will contain a heading and then it will render the Dinosaurs component. Add the following code to the HomePage.vue file:

<script setup lang="ts">
import Dinosaurs from './Dinosaurs.vue';
  <h1>Welcome to the Dinosaur App! 🦕</h1>
  <p>Click on a dinosaur to learn more about them</p>
    <template #default>
      <Dinosaurs />
    <template #fallback>

Because the Dinosaurs component fetches data asynchronously, use the Suspense component to handle the loading state.

The Dinosaur component Jump to heading

The Dinosaur component will display the name and description of a specific dinosaur and a link to go back to the full list.

First, we'll set up some types for the data we'll be fetching. Create a types.ts file in the src directory and add the following code:

type Dinosaur = {
  name: string;
  description: string;

type ComponentData = {
  dinosaurDetails: null | Dinosaur;

Then update the Dinosaur.vue file:

<script lang="ts">
import { defineComponent } from 'vue';

export default defineComponent({
    props: { dinosaur: String },
    data(): ComponentData {
        return { 
            dinosaurDetails: null 
    async mounted() {
        const res = await fetch(`http://localhost:8000/dinosaurs/${this.dinosaur}`);
        this.dinosaurDetails = await res.json();

    <h1>{{ dinosaurDetails?.name }}</h1>
    <p>{{ dinosaurDetails?.description }}</p>
    <RouterLink to="/">🠠 Back to all dinosaurs</RouterLink>

This code uses the props option to define a prop named dinosaur that will be passed to the component. The mounted lifecycle hook is used to fetch the details of the dinosaur based on the dinosaur prop and store them in the dinosaurDetails data property. This data is then rendered in the template.

Run the app Jump to heading

Now that we've set up the frontend and backend, we can run the app. In your terminal, run the following command:

deno task dev

Visit the output localhost link in your browser to see the app. Click on a dinosaur to see more details!

The vue app in action

Let's run it and see what we get so far:

Clicking on a dinosaur to get to an individual dinosaur page
