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deno test

Run tests using Deno's built-in test runner.

Command Jump to heading

deno test [OPTIONS] [files]... [-- [SCRIPT_ARG]...]

Synopsis Jump to heading

deno test [--no-check[=<NO_CHECK_TYPE>]] [--import-map <FILE>] [-q|--quiet] 
[--no-remote] [--no-npm] [--node-modules-dir[=<node-modules-dir>]]
[--vendor[=<vendor>]][-c|--config <FILE>] [--no-config] 
[-r|--reload[=<CACHE_BLOCKLIST>...]] [--lock [<FILE>]] [--frozen] 
[--no-lock] [--cert <FILE>] [--allow-read[=<PATH>...]] [--deny-read[=<PATH>...]]
[--allow-write[=<PATH>...]] [--deny-write[=<PATH>...]] 
[--allow-net[=<IP_OR_HOSTNAME>...]] [--deny-net[=<IP_OR_HOSTNAME>...]] 
[--allow-env[=<VARIABLE_NAME>...]] [--deny-env[=<VARIABLE_NAME>...]] 
[--allow-run[=<PROGRAM_NAME>...]] [--deny-run[=<PROGRAM_NAME>...]] 
[--allow-ffi[=<PATH>...]] [--deny-ffi[=<PATH>...]] [--allow-hrtime] [--deny-hrtime] [--allow-all] [--no-prompt] [--inspect[=<HOST_AND_PORT>]] 
[--inspect-brk[=<HOST_AND_PORT>]] [--inspect-wait[=<HOST_AND_PORT>]] 
[--cached-only] [--location <HREF>] [--v8-flags[=<v8-flags>...]]
[--seed <NUMBER>] [--check[=<CHECK_TYPE>]] [--ignore=<ignore>...]
[--no-run] [--trace-leaks] [--doc] [--fail-fast[=<N>]] [--allow-none]
[--filter <filter>] [--shuffle[=<NUMBER>]] [--coverage[=<DIR>] [--parallel]
[--watch] [--watch-exclude[=<FILES>...]] [--no-clear-screen] [--junit-path <PATH>] [--reporter <reporter>] [--env[=<FILE>]] <FILES>... [-- [SCRIPT_ARG]...]

deno test -h|--help

Description Jump to heading

Evaluate the given modules, run all tests declared with 'Deno.test()' and report results to standard output:

deno test

Directory arguments are expanded to all contained files matching the glob {__,_.,}test.{js,mjs,ts,mts,jsx,tsx}

The test runner is rich in functionality and supports a number of options.

It can be executed in watch mode (--watch), supports parallel execution (--parallel), and can be configured to run tests in a random order with (--shuffle). Additionally, there is built in support for code coverage (--coverage) and leak detection (--trace-leaks).

Arguments Jump to heading


List of file names to run


Arguments passed to script files

Options Jump to heading

  • --no-check[=<NO_CHECK_TYPE>]
    Skip type-checking. If the value of '--no-check=remote' is supplied, diagnostic errors from remote modules will be ignored.

  • --import-map <FILE>
    Load import map file from local file or remote URL.

  • -q, --quiet Suppress diagnostic output

  • --no-remote
    Do not resolve remote modules

  • --no-npm
    Do not resolve npm modules

  • --node-modules-dir[=<node-modules-dir>]
    Enables or disables the use of a local node_modules folder for npm packages. [possible values: true, false]

  • --vendor[=<vendor>]
    UNSTABLE: Enables or disables the use of a local vendor folder for remote modules and node_modules folder for npm packages. [possible values: true, false]

  • -c, --config <FILE> The configuration file can be used to configure different aspects of deno including TypeScript, linting, and code formatting. Typically the configuration file will be called deno.json or deno.jsonc and automatically detected; in that case this flag is not necessary.

  • --no-config
    Disable automatic loading of the configuration file.

  • -r, --reload[=<CACHE_BLOCKLIST>...] Reload source code cache (recompile TypeScript)

    --reload Reload everything --reload=jsr:@std/http/file-server Reload only standard modules --reload=jsr:@std/http/file-server,jsr:@std/assert/assert-equals Reloads specific modules --reload=npm: Reload all npm modules --reload=npm:chalk Reload specific npm module

  • --lock [<FILE>]
    Check the specified lock file. If value is not provided, defaults to "deno.lock" in the current working directory.

  • --frozen[=<BOOLEAN>]

    Error out if lockfile is out of date [possible values: true, false]

  • --no-lock
    Disable auto discovery of the lock file.

  • --cert <FILE>
    Load certificate authority from PEM encoded file

  • --no-prompt
    Always throw if required permission wasn't passed

  • --inspect[=<HOST_AND_PORT>]
    Activate inspector on host:port (default:

  • --inspect-brk[=<HOST_AND_PORT>]
    Activate inspector on host:port, wait for debugger to connect and break at the start of user script

  • --inspect-wait[=<HOST_AND_PORT>]
    Activate inspector on host:port and wait for debugger to connect before running user code

  • --cached-only
    Require that remote dependencies are already cached

  • --location <HREF>
    Value of globalThis.location used by some web APIs

  • --v8-flags[=<v8-flags>...]
    To see a list of all available flags use --v8-flags=--help. Any flags set with this flag are appended after the DENO_V8_FLAGS environmental variable

  • --seed <NUMBER>
    Set the random number generator seed

  • --check[=<CHECK_TYPE>]
    Set type-checking behavior. This subcommand type-checks local modules by default, so adding --check is redundant. If the value of '--check=all' is supplied, diagnostic errors from remote modules will be included. Alternatively, the 'deno check' subcommand can be used.

  • --ignore=<ignore>...
    Ignore files

  • --no-run
    Cache test modules, but don't run tests

  • --trace-leaks
    Enable tracing of leaks. Useful when debugging leaking ops in test, but impacts test execution time.

  • --doc
    Evaluate code blocks in JSDoc and Markdown

  • --fail-fast[=<N>]
    Stop after N errors. Defaults to stopping after first failure.

  • --allow-none
    Don't return error code if no test files are found

  • --filter <filter>
    Run tests with this string or pattern in the test name

  • --shuffle[=<NUMBER>]
    Shuffle the order in which the tests are run

  • --coverage[=<DIR>]
    Collect coverage profile data into DIR. If DIR is not specified, it uses coverage/.

  • --parallel
    Run test modules in parallel. Parallelism defaults to the number of available CPUs or the value in the DENO_JOBS environment variable.

  • --watch
    Watch for file changes and restart process automatically. Only local files from entry point module graph are watched.

  • --watch-exclude[=<FILES>...]
    Exclude provided files/patterns from watch mode

  • --no-clear-screen
    Do not clear terminal screen when under watch mode

  • --junit-path <PATH>
    Write a JUnit XML test report to PATH. Use - to write to stdout which is the default when PATH is not provided.

  • --reporter <reporter>
    Select reporter to use. Default to 'pretty'. [possible values: pretty, dot, junit, tap]

  • --env[=<FILE>]
    UNSTABLE: Load environment variables from local file. Only the first environment variable with a given key is used. Existing process environment variables are not overwritten.

  • -h, --help
    Prints help information

Permissions Options - `--allow-read[=...]`\ Allow [file system read access]( Optionally specify allowed paths. Examples: `--allow-read`, `--allow-read="/etc,/var/log.txt"`

- --deny-read[=<PATH>...]
Deny file system read access. Optionally specify denied paths. Examples: --deny-read, --deny-read="/etc,/var/log.txt"

- --allow-write[=<PATH>...]
Allow file system write access. Optionally specify allowed paths. Examples: --allow-write, --allow-write="/etc,/var/log.txt"

- --deny-write[=<PATH>...]
Deny file system write access. Optionally specify denied paths. Examples: --deny-write, --deny-write="/etc,/var/log.txt"

- --allow-net[=<IP_OR_HOSTNAME>...]
Allow network access. Optionally specify allowed IP addresses and host names, with ports as necessary. Examples: --allow-net, --allow-net="localhost:8080,"

- --deny-net[=<IP_OR_HOSTNAME>...]
Deny network access. Optionally specify denied IP addresses and host names, with ports as necessary. Examples: --deny-net, --deny-net="localhost:8080,"

- --unsafely-ignore-certificate-errors[=<HOSTNAMES>...]
DANGER: Disables verification of TLS certificates

- --allow-env[=<VARIABLE_NAME>...]
Allow access to system environment information. Optionally specify accessible environment variables. Examples: --allow-env, --allow-env="PORT,HOME,PATH"

- --deny-env[=<VARIABLE_NAME>...]
Deny access to system environment information. Optionally specify accessible environment variables. Examples: --deny-env, --deny-env="PORT,HOME,PATH"

- --allow-sys[=<API_NAME>...]
Allow access to OS information. Optionally allow specific APIs by function name. Examples: --allow-sys, --allow-sys="systemMemoryInfo,osRelease"

- --deny-sys[=<API_NAME>...]
Deny access to OS information. Optionally deny specific APIs by function name. Examples: --deny-sys, --deny-sys="systemMemoryInfo,osRelease"

- --allow-run[=<PROGRAM_NAME>...]
Allow running subprocesses. Optionally specify allowed runnable program names. Examples: --allow-run, --allow-run="whoami,ps"

- --deny-run[=<PROGRAM_NAME>...]
Deny running subprocesses. Optionally specify denied runnable program names. Examples: --deny-run, --deny-run="whoami,ps"

- --allow-ffi[=<PATH>...]
(Unstable) Allow loading dynamic libraries. Optionally specify allowed directories or files. Examples: --allow-ffi, --allow-ffi="./"

- --deny-ffi[=<PATH>...]
(Unstable) Deny loading dynamic libraries. Optionally specify denied directories or files. Examples: --deny-ffi, --deny-ffi="./"

- --allow-hrtime
Allow high-resolution time measurement. Note: this can enable timing attacks and fingerprinting.

- --deny-hrtime
Deny high-resolution time measurement. Note: this can prevent timing attacks and fingerprinting.

- -A, --allow-all
Allow all permissions.

Examples Jump to heading

  • Run tests
deno test
  • Run tests in specific files
deno test src/fetch_test.ts src/signal_test.ts
  • Run tests where glob matches
deno test src/*.test.ts
  • Run tests and skip type-checking
deno test --no-check
  • Run tests, re-running on file change
deno test --watch
  • Reload everything
  • Reload only standard modules
  • Reloads specific modules
  • Reload all npm modules
  • Reload specific npm module